I had lunch with a mentor today and gleamed this ...
Trust that grows in the soil of the Promises of God diminishes the weeds of fear, guilt, and anxiety and produces flowers of hope and confidence. When hope and confidence start to bloom, the Spirit of Christ in us has become a reality.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Posted by
Bobby Crum
12/03/2008 10:43:00 PM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Matt Papa's provoking 'Difference'
in a vein similar to Derek Webb, Matt Papa's preaches via song in his provoking 'Where is the difference'. Full of scripture, full of conviction... it's a song that causes one to search within. Matt Papa has something to say, and I'd challenge you to listen to his cd. Get beyond the first few songs, the best stuff is in the middle and end.
One of the best 'messages' I've heard in some time, this is a great cd.
Posted by
Bobby Crum
11/19/2008 10:32:00 AM
Friday, November 14, 2008
How Long? Psalm 13
How long Oh Lord? We've probably all asked this question at one point or another.
David asks it 4 times in 2 verses. In difficult times it's easy to wrestle with our thoughts, to allow sorrow to overwhelm our hearts, to feel forgotten.
BUT - David lists 4 things starting in verse 5
1) Trust in His unfailing love - he still loves you despite your circumstance.
2) Rejoice in the salvation that comes through the Lord - he is the one who saves.
3) Sing to the Lord - despite how you feel, sing!! it will lift your spirits.
4) Remember that he has been good to you. We are prone to forget. Think back to those sweet times. It will help you get through the present.
Posted by
Bobby Crum
11/14/2008 11:33:00 AM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The political season
Well I'm back.
This past election really wore me out. And contrary to all the CRUM signs about St. Augustine I was not running for the city Commission. It's interesting to look at the Bible and how Jesus dealt with politics. Jesus had compassion on all people. From the rich tax collector to the poor leper. He met with Nicodemus at night he spoke with 1000's during the day. He preached that we should 'turn the other cheek' while also calling the Pharisees a 'brood of vipers'. Jesus is our model.
When believers get nasty over politics, which is easy to do, Jesus rarely gets the glory. There were all types of religious and political sects in Jesus' day. They all had there pet issues and causes. Jesus ultimately was more interested in people. He was supremely compassionate. Jesus ran into all kinds of people whom he would have had differences with: the Samaritan woman, the demoniac, the woman caught in the act... He balances the truth with his overwhelming love. He was about restoring lives, saving souls, healing his children.
If we need something to be passionate about, lets start with loving people like Jesus did. And despite how the election went for you, we are mandated to pray for all those in government positions of authority. that's my 2 cents
Posted by
Bobby Crum
11/11/2008 11:30:00 PM
Friday, August 29, 2008
I am Yours
Cool video done with white gloves and a black light.
Posted by
Bobby Crum
8/29/2008 12:04:00 PM
Labels: art, interpretive movement
Friday, August 22, 2008
Fay reminds us that we are not in control. That there are things bigger than us. That as much as we try to resist, some things just force themselves into our world.
Fay could have been much worse. A trip to the ocean yesterday left me in awe at the power of the wind and waves. It humbled me to think of God's power. His majesty and greatness. Our God is BIG!
Posted by
Bobby Crum
8/22/2008 05:42:00 PM
Labels: control
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Hillsong Conference opening
There seems to be a ton of videos flooding youtube from the Hillsong 2008 conference.
I love how they do the opening here with the lights and scripture. Very cool.
Posted by
Bobby Crum
7/30/2008 12:25:00 AM
Labels: conferences, hillsong
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Steven Curtis and Smitty in good ole St. Auggie
Michael W. Smith
Stepehen Curtis Chapman
November 8th
Onsale August 8th 5pm
The 2 most popular names in contemporary Christian music are uniting for one night at the St. Augustine Amphitheatre. Gates 6pm, Show 7:30 Tickets 39.50-. $65
Posted by
Bobby Crum
7/24/2008 10:52:00 PM
Monday, July 14, 2008
New Songs
Chris Tomlin has a new song out called Jesus Messiah.
Lincoln Brewster's new one 'Today is the day' is catchy.
The new Hillsong cd is also arriving.
Love the new tunes!
Posted by
Bobby Crum
7/14/2008 04:07:00 PM
Labels: worship songs
Hillsong Worship leader Jill McCloghry shares her story
How precious you are to us! Love & prayers go out from your Anastasia church family.
Posted by
Bobby Crum
7/14/2008 04:05:00 PM
Labels: hillsong
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Saddleback blogs and info.
Jeremy D. and I just got back from Saddleback's worship conference. A great week.
Here's a link for the conference blog and other info.
Posted by
Bobby Crum
6/28/2008 02:37:00 PM
Labels: conferences
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Bye Bye CCM Magazine
For years CCM was the source for Contemporary Christian Music news and concert information.
It started way back in the early days of M.W. Smith and Amy Grant. Maybe a sign of the times, the storied magazine is no more. Things were already tough for new artists. The digital revolution has certainly hit the entire industry hard. Regardless, for info. you now go to the website http://www.ccmmagazine.com/ The upside-- it'll save some trees.
Posted by
Bobby Crum
6/17/2008 03:26:00 PM
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Celebrations Awakening
Up the road in Jax. Celebration church has just put out their new cd Awakening.
It's got some good songs on it and was produced by pal Lu Rubino.
It's my desire, a track on the album, is great.
Check it out.
Posted by
Bobby Crum
6/12/2008 08:51:00 AM
Labels: church, worship songs
Monday, May 19, 2008
Collide - a good magazine for church media ideas
Posted by
Bobby Crum
5/19/2008 02:50:00 PM
Monday, May 12, 2008
One World, One Dream
Done by Allie for the Olympics, but with wider meaning for the Church. For more info.
Posted by
Bobby Crum
5/12/2008 10:08:00 PM
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Bleeding Love
The new hit song (#1 Itunes) by Leona Lewis has a really fantastic lyric.
But I don’t care what they say I’m in love with you
They try to pull me away But they don’t know the truth
My heart’s crippled by the vein That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open
Posted by
Bobby Crum
5/07/2008 02:21:00 PM
Hey All,
Here's the link to the worship planning software we are testing.
Posted by
Bobby Crum
5/07/2008 12:05:00 AM
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The prayer of st. gregory
I heard this song today and it struck me with it's beauty. This is the best version I could find on Youtube. It's best just to turn the monitor off or close your eyes. A great song for meditation and prayer.
Posted by
Bobby Crum
4/30/2008 09:27:00 PM
Labels: meditation, worship songs
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Danny Oertli comes back to St. Augustine
Danny will be at ABC this Sunday at 9:30am. We welcome him back as he shares his heart and music.
Danny's bio is below.
Danny Oertli is an accomplished singer, songwriter, and author, encouraging audiences worldwide with enriching stories of God’s enduring faithfulness. The creator of four independent albums, his most recent is Everything In Between, featuring the stirring track “Mommy Paints the Sky.” The song also titles Danny’s current NavPress book, which recounts a love story torn apart by grief and restored in hope. Danny has performed throughout the world and has worked with many ministries including Billy Graham, Focus on the Family, and FamilyLife. For the past seven years, Danny has served as the worship leader for the Dare 2 Share conferences and as a Compassion International spokesperson. He currently lives in Parker, CO with his wife Rayna and their three children.
Posted by
Bobby Crum
4/22/2008 09:29:00 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Passion Atlanta 08
Well the word from those who went to Passion Atlanta was that it was awesome (as usual).
Apparently Chris Tomlin continues to crank out more annointed worship songs.
I found this opening from Atlanta that is amazing for its orchestra and screen wizardry.
They do this very well. Feel free to post thoughts.
Posted by
Bobby Crum
4/16/2008 09:26:00 PM
Labels: Passion
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Worship, Simon & the heart of it all
If Simon is infiltrating the church, worship could be in trouble. The core of worship is the heart. Even the scripture tells us to make a joyful 'noise.' Yet, we also have a mandate to play skillfully and unto the Lord with all excellence. I have found myself over the years criticizing songs and services in attempts to help people and situations. It's a difficult endeavor. Simon tries to help but comes across as arrogant and uncaring. Paula loves everybody but sometimes has trouble saying what everyone is thinking.
One thing I know is that people have opinions about the quality of music in church. If things are not going right, somebody will say something. Sometimes it's not what we say but how we say it. Sometimes, we don't even realize how things come across.
I wonder what God feels when we are in our criticizing worship modes during services. It becomes clear that our heart is not set on him but on putting ourselves up as superior to what's being expressed.
My daughter was singing a worship song last night while unbeknown to her I was listening in . It wasn't quite on pitch but it was from a pure place. My heart melted as she sang. I think of what God must feel when we worship him and how frustrated he must be when we start acting like Simon.
Posted by
Bobby Crum
4/15/2008 09:39:00 PM
Jon Egan
I love the desperation guys and their music. They have endured much over the last few years but sometimes adversity can bring great things.
The following comes from Jon Egan of New Life.....
Revelations 12:11 says, "They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death."
There is great strength when we combine the power of the cross with the power of our story. Your story may be big or small. It doesn't matter. Your story can be the difference for someone in need. Your story could be the very thing someone needed to hear to determine the path of his or her life. We live in a broken world with broken values. It is inevitable that storms of life will come. If we apply the word of God to our lives we will be the house that is built on a rock. The rock is truth. The rock is Christ. The storms may come and go but we will be standing at the end. We will be standing with a story. The stories need to be told; The stories of healing and freedom, the stories of hardship and difficulties, the stories of authority and victory. We are over comers. The death and resurrection of Jesus tells us that. The miracle of Christ in us gives us each something to say. Say it... and watch yourself overcome!
I used to be paralyzed by fear and anxiety but now I walk in victory and boldness. For those of you who can relate, you can overcome. What is it that God helped you break free from? The world needs to hear it. It's your story and nothing and no one can deny it. The cross is truth and nothing and no one can deny it. Together, we can let the 2 greatest stories ever told overcome evil. We will overcome.
Read the stories of others and be encouraged. Be healed. Be set free.
Tell us your story and allow it to be the change in this world.
Changing the world is possible. All we have to do is speak up.
Jon Egan
Posted by
Bobby Crum
4/15/2008 08:40:00 PM
Labels: Desperation Band
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Easter pm and Leeland
Well it's been a marvelous Easter. Beautiful weather, worship, and fellowship!
How good is the new Leeland CD. So many songs have such pleasant melody hooks that it's a delight to listen to. I love the song 'Brighter Days'. Leeland's voice reminds me of the Beatles via Phil Keaggy (that's going way back for some of you) with a bit of Coldplay thrown in. Usually the second cd release never lives up to the level of the first. This one is really good. 'The opposite way' - simple yet profound. Got it playing right now.
Posted by
Bobby Crum
3/23/2008 08:23:00 PM
Labels: artists, worship bands, worship songs
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Easter Week
This is a great week to do some things different. Here are some things I like to do and some suggestions to make this a spiritually nourishing season.
1) Go to a good Friday service. It's the day to remember Christ death.
2) Fast.
3) Do the stations of the cross as a meditative prayer walk.
4) Journal
5) Re-read the crucification accounts in the gospels.
6) Watch the sunrise Easter morning.
7) Recommit your life in faith to your resurrected Lord & Savior - Jesus Christ.
8) Practice the presence of Christ with awareness worship.
Posted by
Bobby Crum
3/18/2008 10:58:00 PM
Monday, March 17, 2008
Hear the Screams
Here are the lyrics for all those who are asking. The song was taken from the passages of Jesus on the cross where it says that he 'cried out in a loud voice'.
You took a walk down a lonely street, the crowds pressed in.
You made them from the dust of the earth, and they threw it your face.
(Pre-Chorus) Can you see the tears rolling down? I put them there.
Can you see the red rolling down? I was there.
You were silent yet accused, beaten of Your beauty.
Your bore a cross for the souls of the earth, and they nailed you to it.
(Chorus) And I...... Can still hear the screams of Your love for me. (2x)
No greater love has ever been shown.
No greater love has ever been known.
Now I hear the love in Your voice.
Repeat Pre-Chorus, Chorus 4x
Posted by
Bobby Crum
3/17/2008 02:49:00 PM
Labels: worship songs
Friday, February 22, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Michael Olson coming to ABC April 12/13 2008
Michael will be a guest artist in our April 12 & 13 services. A Rockettown recording artist, Michael is known for his song 'On the third day'. You can learn more about his ministry and music here.
Posted by
Bobby Crum
2/18/2008 11:46:00 AM
Labels: artists
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Free New Charlie Hall mp3
Just go to site, right click the link and save it.
Charlie Hall's Walk the World on the Passion God of this City CD.
Posted by
Bobby Crum
2/17/2008 11:58:00 PM
2008 Saddleback Worship Conference
Posted by
Bobby Crum
2/17/2008 11:42:00 PM
Labels: conferences, training
Worship Frequency on YouTube
Here's a nifty site that includes some videos of how to play some Tomlin songs as well as a cool video of Daniel's (Chris' lead guy) pedal board.
Posted by
Bobby Crum
2/17/2008 11:27:00 PM
Friday, February 15, 2008
Passion Boston - God of this city live
Posted by
Bobby Crum
2/15/2008 05:36:00 PM
Labels: Passion
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Hillsongs Kids Tell the World DVD/CD
Our own Jill Robshaw McClourghy is featured on the new Hillsongs Kid CD/DVD entitled 'Tell the World'. She plays and sings on the track 'God so loved'. Way to go Jill - we're proud of you!
Posted by
Bobby Crum
2/14/2008 11:41:00 AM
Labels: hillsong