Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Bonus Material Pt 2

Well some folks were asking for this quote which is a good one. It is from John Ortberg's book If you want to walk on water, you've got to get out of the boat.

Greg Levoy calls the common cold of the soul ' To sinful patterns of behavior that never get confronted and changed, abilities and gifts that never get cultivated and deployed-until weeks become months, and months turn into years, and one day you're looking back on a life of deep intimate gut-wrenching honest conversations you never had; great bold prayers you never prayed, exhilarating risks you never took, sacrificial gifts you never offered, lives you never touched, and you're sitting in a recliner with a shriveled soul, and forgotten dreams, and you realize there was a world of desperate need, and a great God calling you to be part of something bigger than yourself- you see the person you could have become but did not; you never followed your calling, you never got out of the boat'

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