in a vein similar to Derek Webb, Matt Papa's preaches via song in his provoking 'Where is the difference'. Full of scripture, full of conviction... it's a song that causes one to search within. Matt Papa has something to say, and I'd challenge you to listen to his cd. Get beyond the first few songs, the best stuff is in the middle and end.
One of the best 'messages' I've heard in some time, this is a great cd.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Matt Papa's provoking 'Difference'
Posted by
Bobby Crum
11/19/2008 10:32:00 AM
Friday, November 14, 2008
How Long? Psalm 13
How long Oh Lord? We've probably all asked this question at one point or another.
David asks it 4 times in 2 verses. In difficult times it's easy to wrestle with our thoughts, to allow sorrow to overwhelm our hearts, to feel forgotten.
BUT - David lists 4 things starting in verse 5
1) Trust in His unfailing love - he still loves you despite your circumstance.
2) Rejoice in the salvation that comes through the Lord - he is the one who saves.
3) Sing to the Lord - despite how you feel, sing!! it will lift your spirits.
4) Remember that he has been good to you. We are prone to forget. Think back to those sweet times. It will help you get through the present.
Posted by
Bobby Crum
11/14/2008 11:33:00 AM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The political season
Well I'm back.
This past election really wore me out. And contrary to all the CRUM signs about St. Augustine I was not running for the city Commission. It's interesting to look at the Bible and how Jesus dealt with politics. Jesus had compassion on all people. From the rich tax collector to the poor leper. He met with Nicodemus at night he spoke with 1000's during the day. He preached that we should 'turn the other cheek' while also calling the Pharisees a 'brood of vipers'. Jesus is our model.
When believers get nasty over politics, which is easy to do, Jesus rarely gets the glory. There were all types of religious and political sects in Jesus' day. They all had there pet issues and causes. Jesus ultimately was more interested in people. He was supremely compassionate. Jesus ran into all kinds of people whom he would have had differences with: the Samaritan woman, the demoniac, the woman caught in the act... He balances the truth with his overwhelming love. He was about restoring lives, saving souls, healing his children.
If we need something to be passionate about, lets start with loving people like Jesus did. And despite how the election went for you, we are mandated to pray for all those in government positions of authority. that's my 2 cents
Posted by
Bobby Crum
11/11/2008 11:30:00 PM